Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Entry, the first

I'm jumping onto the blog band wagon a bit late here, but I am. Jumping on. I figure it's something to do, and hopefully a way to get myself writing on a regular basis again. Maybe this way, when I start school in the Fall I won't sound like a total moron when I have to write papers and pretend to know what I'm talking about.

Hence, the "eclectic" title. I thought about what I might want to write about, and realized that one topic probably won't keep me entertained. So I figure I'll share thoughts on my three major goals for the summer: training the two wild beasts otherwise known as my dogs; doing yoga on a regular basis; and working on photography.

Today, I hit one goal! I went back to yoga class. I tried an "Anusara" yoga class at a new studio here in Salem (new to me, because we just moved here). The studio was nice, large, and seemed to be very popular! The teacher was described on the website as a "loving and knowledgeable kick in the pants." ....which just about sums it up. The class was a little competitive feeling for my taste, just getting back into it. But it was certainly a good workout. This class might be good for me once I build up my strength, because the instructor really doesn't accept "no I can't do it" - he tells you to take yourself seriously, and have faith. Sometimes I need a little bossing around...and it resulted in me doing a headstand today! So that was pretty cool. The only trouble is now I am SORE ALL OVER! We'll see if I go back to that particular class next week....


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