Sunday, July 11, 2010

There are giants in the sky

Woowee, quite a few things have changed since my last post! Which is why I haven't really had time to update. First of all, I got a JOB! So I have been working part-time as a photographer at the JCPenney Portrait Studio in the Northshore Mall (Peabody, MA). This totally means I am hitting my photography goal this summer! It's been cool, but simultaneously boring so far because I've been stuck doing a lot of computer-based training. This week I actually get to play with the camera and take people's pictures! We'll see how it goes!

I also managed to secure a PAID flute job in the pit orchestra for "Into the Woods" at Salem State College. This week we had two rehearsals and four performances. So the first half of the week, I was thinking - oh crap, I suck, what the hell did I get myself into?, I can't handle this! Because it was just awkward and it didn't sound good, and I blamed myself. However, then I realized a few things: a) the singers are frequently coming in early, and it screws us up because we have to jump ahead; b) no one is actually conducting! of course it's difficult to follow every line! the music director is playing the piano the whole time, and bopping his head; c) all the other players are actual musicians (music teachers) and they're having trouble, it's not just me! And I'm not a professional musician.

After that, I started to feel pretty gosh darn good about myself. And also, it's starting to go a lot better. There are still mistakes, of course, but overall it sounds decent and I don't feel like I'm totally screwing up ALL the time anymore. So it's been really fun!

On another note, I got an unlimited summer yoga pass for July and August at Green Tea Yoga in Salem. It's a really nice studio (much more relaxed and accepting than the other one I tried). I haven't been going nearly as often as I want for the fact that it's unlimited, but I have been going at least twice a week and that feels awesome. Here is a big ole' check mark next to the yoga goal!

AND we started the dog training class with Sookie on Tuesday. I actually missed it because I had rehearsal, but Alex went, and we got a bunch of materials and tools to start working with. One big part of the training is using a "mat" - (we got a small cheapo area rug from Lowe's and cut it in half - one for Gatsby and one for Sookie). This week, we are just click/treating for the dog coming over and touching the mat, then click/treat for sitting down, then click/treat for lying down. Then you just continue feeding while they lie calm on the mat. The goal is to eventually take the mat with you on walks so they have their special place to lie down and be calm instead of going bezerk when other dogs pass. We are also doing "About Face" - to turn around 180 degrees (as a tool to avoid things that stimulate aggression), and "hand touch". That was a really cute one. You just put on your hand and click/treat at first when the dog shows any sign of interest in your hand. After that, you move on to click/treat for a hard nose bump to the hand. I put out my hand and Sookie just looked at me intently. Then she sat down and wagged her tail. Then she started getting a little anxious because she had no idea what I wanted, so she flopped down on her belly and wagged her tail. Eventually she FINALLY turned her head toward my hand, and once I could click/treat twice in a row, she figured out what I wanted and was able to touch her nose to either hand consistently. It was just really cute while she was learning and doing all her tricks in an effort to get her treat :)

I'm also happy because we managed to find a fairly secluded place to walk the dogs. We have to drive over and then walk, but it'll be nice to get Sookie some stress-free exercise.

That's all for tonight, but a little preview of what's to come....

Alex has been very supportive of me writing a blog (and he might start his own!!!), but he did also say to me the other day...."You should make your blog funnier."


Thank you, Alex! We have both been reading Hyperbole and a Half like we are addicts, and it is crack (so if you're not reading it, you really should start: So in a very "Allie"-like vein, the next episode will contain a new creature called the CONO-saur.

Get excited!

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